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点击次数:  更新时间:2008-05-21

CSCIC Application Form & Guidelines for Grant Allocation


We are delighted that you are interested in studying at the Centre for the Study of Christianity in China (CSCIC). The following form provides guidance on the variety of ways in which CSCIC assists scholars and students to develop their understanding or and interest in the history and traditions of Christianity inChina. During the first four years of its life, CSCIC has grown as a significant contributor to this important field of study and research. In collaboration with individuals and institutions around the world, CSCIC works to enable deeper understanding of the Chinese Christian community and its life and work inside and outsideChina.

Having been an informal, not-affiliated research institution for the first four years of its life, as of April 1, 2008, theCentre for the Study of Christianity in China(CSCIC) becomes formally part of King’s College,LondonUniversity.

King’s College,London, is one of the oldest universities in theUK, with a strong tradition in theology and more recently in study of the relationship between religion and culture. Study at CSCIC enables substantial interdisciplinary engagement with other scholars at King’s College.

Students and scholars, who visit CSCIC for degree work or study leave, have access to all the resources of King’s College,London, and to other libraries inLondon(seewww.kcl.org).Londonis a unique place to live and work, and study at CSCIC provides an opportunity to get to knowLondonand to travel to other parts of theUK.

CSCIC helps to sponsor scholarship in the field of Sino-Christian studies, and where appropriate awards grant to support that study.

We look forward to welcoming you to CSCIC. Please study the attached form/s carefully and return them to us as directed.

With all good wishes,

Christopher Hancock


The Centre for the Study of Christianity inChina

CSCIC began as a new, independent research Centre inOxfordin 2005. Since that time it has established itself as a unique academic resource for scholars and scholarship in the field of Sino-Christian Studies. Scholars from around the world have already been drawn to study in and through CSCIC. In its new location in King’s College,London, CSCIC will be able to offer research degrees and academic support for scholars to study in the unique environment ofLondonand King’s College.

Academic Staff

CSCIC’s Director is the Very Revd DrChristopher Hancock, a theologian and church historian who has in recent years become a specialist in the study of Christianity inChina.

In addition to the Director, the Centre has two UK-based Senior Research Fellows DrsGary Tiedemann, andLars Laamann, who have strong links to theSchoolofAfricanand Oriental Studies inLondonand have published widely in the field of the history of Christianity inChina.

CSCIC also has a number of international Senior Research Fellows, who help to provide support and encouragement to the Centre’s work. These Senior Research Fellows are: ProfDan Bays(Calvin College, USA), ProfChoong Chee Pang(World Lutheran Federation), ProfHe Guanghu(Peoples’ University, Beijing), ProfMa Min(President, Huazhong University, Wuhan), ProfNicholas Standaert(University of Leuven, Belgium), ProfTao Feiya(Shanghai University), ProfPeter Ng(Hong Kong Institute of Education), ProfJean-Paul Wiest(The Beijing Centre, Beijing), and ProfZhang Kaiyuan(Former President, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan).

Academic Activities

During the first four years of its life, based inOxford, CSCIC has engaged in a range of academic activities. These include sponsorship of international conferences (in 2007 focussing on the life and work of Robert Morrison), support for Chinese scholars to study for one or two months in the UK, provision of book grants for scholars in China and the UK, and scholarship support for language study relevant to study of Christianity in China.

CSCIC seeks to engage with the full range of subjects related to the study of Christianity inChinapast and present. It undertakes this work as an interdisciplinary academic activity without regard to Christian or denominational affiliation.

CSCIC understands that the narrative of Christianity inChinaincludes study of both the politically sensitive issue of Christian mission inChina, and the presence of Christianity in countries bordering onChina. In pursuit of its academic goals, CSCIC respects Chinese government policy and academic freedom.

Study at CSCIC at King’s College,London

CSCIC invites applications fromestablished academics,postdoctoral/younger scholarsandPhD candidatesfor study in the field of Sino-Christian Studies or in such interdisciplinary areas as enhance understanding of Christianity inChina.

Study at CSCIC at King’s College,London, can be from as short as two weeks to as long as 12 months, or longer periods if a degree course is undertaken. Scholarships are available for study at CSCIC. Senior faculty members will be designated ‘Visiting Fellows’ of CSCIC and are encouraged to seek matching funds from their sending institution.

Awards for summer bursaries may also be made for graduate studentsin Chinese universities to visit and study inLondon, usually for 1-2 months during the summer.

Faculty members must have prior permission from their Head of Department for their stay inLondonas a condition of being awarded a place or grant. Postdoctoral fellows must gain written permission from their sponsoring department before an award will be confirmed. PhD candidates should list their actual, or proposed, doctoral supervisor as one of their referees for the award at the time of application.

Application Process

As an integral part of King’s College,London, applications for degrees, study leave, or scholarship support at CSCIC are processed both by King’s College and by CSCIC.

Applicants are invited to submit the attached form in the first instance, on the understanding this formdoes not constitute acceptanceor the offer of a placeby CSCIC or King’s College,London.

Applications may be submitted on line, or to:

The Administrator



Waterloo Road


NB. The Administrator will also respond to queries regarding applications.

Timetable for Selection and Grant Awards

The deadlines for applications and awards for academic faculty, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students are ultimately determined by King’s College,London. However, CSCIC encourages applicants to submit forms by15 September(for study beginning from March 1 onwards of the following year) and1 December(for study beginning from June 1 onwards of the following year).

A selection panel will meet each year in October and December to assess applications, and will notify successful applicants thereafter.

Scholarships for study at CSCIC

CSCIC is able to award a limited number of scholarships for study at King’s College,London. Scholarship awards are highly competitive, and conditional upon sound references and a clear research programme. Applications are reviewed by an academic panel and Scholarships’ Committee.

Grant Allocation

Grants will be allocated to:

i. Academic faculty– in the initial years of the awards scheme, no more thansix grantswill normally be made in the category of visitingacademic faculty.Awards will cover expenses as set out below; awards for academic faculty are expected to be in the same range as British Council awards

ii. Postdoctoral fellows/ PhD students– no more thanten grantswill normally be made to postgraduate students in any given year

Financial Support

i. Awards will cover costs of a single room in King’s College,London, (or equivalent private accommodation) as well as a weekly amount for living expenses. Monthly awards are in the region of £2500. Awards will not cover extensive travel in theUK, but upon application CSCIC may fund visits to other university libraries or to conferences in theUK. CSCIC will seek official ‘Visiting’ status for established faculty and arrangements will be made for visiting scholars and students to have full access toLondonUniversityfacilities, including its various specialist libraries (i.e. the Special Archives Collection at theSchoolofOrientaland African Studies).

ii. Awards willnotnormally cover travel for scholars who have access to alternative funds, and in some cases might offer only partial support for the total costs associated with the stay inLondon. Support will not be provided for spouses or families, and holders of summer bursaries should not normally be accompanied by spouses or families. Awards will cover international flights but not internal travel inChinaor visa application costs inChina.

Please note: Award holders will not teach during their stay inLondonand willnotneed aUKwork permit. CSCIC will work with visiting scholars and students to ensure they have the correct visa for study in theUK.

Academic projects and accountability

i. All applicants should apply on the attached CSCIC application form, and in due course will be asked to provide a full statement of their proposed research project.

ii. All applicants will be expected to provide a report of their study CSCICas a condition of receiving their last grant payment. They are also requested to provide copies of academic papers written during their stay.

Please note: Failure to submit a report at the end of a study period at CSCIC may prejudice future applications from the individual’s home institution.

iii. Mentoring by an academic will, where requested, be offered to short or medium-term visiting scholars and award holders.

CSCIC/King’s College,London

Provisional Application Form

Please complete the attached form in English and in dark ink





Country……………………………….Postcode/Zip code……………………………..

Telephone numbers……………………………………………………………………..

Email address……………………………………………………………………………

Institutional affiliation/s………………………………………………………………...


Position/s held and dates………………………………………………………………




Academic qualifications/degrees and dates……………………………………………








Please attach a full bibliography as appropriate

Proposed study at CSCIC.

Please complete and delete as appropriate

i. Study Leave – 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, Longer……………………………

Proposed research area…………………………………………………………………



Possible sources of funding……………………………………………………………..



ii. Postdoctoral research – 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years………………………………….

Proposed research area…………………………………………………………………



Possible sources of funding……………………………………………………………..



iii. PhD degree/work…………………………………………………………………….

Proposed/Actual Research topic……………………………………………………….



Proposed/Actual Supervisor/s………………………………………………………….


Possible sources of funding……………………………………………………………..



Scholarship Application



Please indicate the level of scholarship funding you are seeking. Delete as appropriate.

2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, Postdoctoral research, PhD course part-time, PhD course full-time, Other (please indicate)………………………….


Dates of proposed study

From: Month…………Year………….to: Month………….Year...............................

References (please give three names and their contact details, including email addresses)

i. ………………………………………………………………………………………….


ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………


iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………...


Have you secured permission from your Department Head/Doctoral Supervisor? Yes/No

NB. Where appropriate, please enclose a letter in support of your application from your sponsoring institution/Departmental Head/Doctoral Supervisor



Please note: You will receive email confirmation that your application has been received and some indication then when you will hear whether or not your application has been successful.