点击次数: 更新时间:2022-04-12
A Lecture on Sinology and Dialogues amongCivilizations from a Global Perspective
司马懿教授(Prof. Chloë Starr)访谈
An Interview with Prof. Chloë Starr
主 持 人:吴根友教授122cc太阳集团教授、文明对话高等研究院院长
访谈嘉宾:司马懿教授(Prof.Chloë Starr)耶鲁大学神学院教授、世界汉学大会常务理事
Zoom会议号: 872 9951 1774
Moderator: Prof. Genyou Wu (Professor of Chinese andComparative Philosophy at School of Philosophy, Wuhan University; Director ofInstitute for Advanced Study on Dialogues among Civilizations)
Honored Interviewee: Prof.Chloë Starr(Professor of AsianChristianity and Theology; Board Member of World Sinology Council)
Interpreter: Xu Liu (Jointly-Supervised PhD Student at WuhanUniversity and Yale University)
Date:9:00-11:00 am, Thursday, April 14, 2022(Beijing Time)
Zoom number: 872 9951 1774
Password: 089053